Judith's daughter 'Thia, my daughter 'Beth, and Judith shewing off her barefoot gaiters.
I appear below left with Judith's younger daughter Kate.
Below right: Lifelong barefooter Sue Smith, our group's foundress, reclines in her sitting room in a favourite outfit, including Hawaiian Sno-Shoes, her prefer'd footwear for formal occasions.
Being a part of the writers group which met in Judith Odiorne's sittingroom on most Thursday evenings from 1992 through 1994 -- but unfortunately rather less frequently now -- has been one of my nicest little blessings; and Judith herself has been one of my most supportive friends. Her support for my work on THE BAREFOOT HIKER was wholehearted and unstinting. Though never a barefooter before, she cheerfully became one in the spring of 1992, hiking frequently with me, and in fact spending, for the first time in her life, an almost totally barefoot summer. She made the barefoot gaiters for herself as a test of the patterns and instructions which were to appear in the book (pp.74 -- 78). She also did all of the typing of the manuscript for me.
Judith and her daughters are all prolific writers themselves, and members of RWA.
___Page last updated 26 July 1996